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IP Data Verification: A Case Study

Intellectual property departments rely heavily on accurate data to protect innovations and creations. However, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of this data poses significant challenges. This case study delves into the journey of a prominent intellectual property law firm as it seeks to enhance its data verification processes to meet evolving client demands and regulatory standards.

The Challenge:

The law firm currently faces issues related to data integrity for IP assets. Over the years the data is managed within the IP management system by paralegals, legal assistants, docketers and attorneys. Data is entered in different ways, missing key information, duplicate record creation. All these factors led to a data inconsistency. The law firm is planning to switch to a different IP management system which caters to their growing needs. They want the data to be accurate migrated to the new system.

Our Approach:

Assessment of total assets – Its important to know the count of assets which needs to be verified. A breakup of the assets into Patents and Trademarks and further breakup into US, PCT and other countries

What data need to be verified – Listing down all the relevant fields such as bibliographic data, inventor data, all dates including upcoming deadlines and renewal dates.

Dedicated Support: The law firm received dedicated support from experienced summarization professionals who meticulously reviewed deposition transcripts and crafted concise and comprehensive digests.

Time frame – Agreeing on the timeframe for completion of the verification and the order of priority.

Our Solution:

DnC implemented the following steps:

Data Bifurcation – Dividing the data into online and offline PTO’s. The jurisdictions where the data is not available online and the ones where it is available.

Choosing the right partner – Reach out to multiple foreign associates for the offline PTO’s and seek a quote for verification and choosing the least expensive. Online jurisdictions, use automated tools to download the data.

Data Comparison – Use automated tools wherever possible and compare both the sets of data to highlight any discrepancies.

Client’s approval – Sharing the findings with the client and seeking approval to amend and sheet with correct information.


Increased efficiency – The staff had more confidence in the accuracy of the data and were spending far less time in verifying the past deadlines and ensuring the next ones are generated correctly resulting in time and cost efficiencies.

Master Data Sheet – A master data sheet for all the IP assets was created which had the clean data ready to be uploaded on the new IP management software.

Correct Deadlines – The law firm team was confident with all the upcoming deadlines for pending assets and the renewal dates for the granted ones.

Best Practices – We created a best practice document based on the discrepancies we found during the verification process. This document listed some of the common mistakes and quick hits to avoid those mistakes.

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